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DayZ trivia game with tragic ending

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My friend recorded this video of us first disarming and then interrogating a survivor using an innocent trivia game. Chaos ensues when another friend kills the server admin and the server admin apparently initiates a mass killing.

I feel bad for Killroy as he was such a great sport.


I know server admins do not have access to commands that can do this but the timing is impeccable and who is to say the server admin was not using hacks out of frustration?

His name was "Vhalor" and he introduced himself as the server admin before he was klilled.

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Poor Killjoy or Killroy, torn to pieces by zombies for not knowing Seinfield (though I can safely say I have never watched it even though it was on the TV over here in the UK all the time).

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I would have lost, couldn´t remember Cosmo was Kramer´s first name. This was truly awesome. Seinfeld is so fucking brilliant, a show any connaisseur would know and love. And then the fucking karma with all of you dying. Best dayz vid I´ve seen yet.

Dayz best game ever.

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