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Legacy (DayZ)

So I died with all my good gear!

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And I was going to make a post on the forums saying how this game needs X and needs Y, and is boring and every other little detail I hate.

But then I realized something! I can get it all back instead of complaining on the forums about how I died, or some little issue that only cost me five minutes of my time!

(For the people without a sense of humor: I'm poking fun at everyone who does this. It's a game, it's just gear that you can get again. Get over it.)

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When I saw this thread on forum,I just wanted to hop in and write like :you're retarded gear grinder.....

But after paying attention to you OP,I had a nice laugh :) .

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in all honesty sometimes it takes a death to find good gear. i was driving a car when i drove into a small black rubbish pile and exploded. After respawning in Kamenka i ran North hitting deer stands and to my surprise made it to zelenogorsk with an M24 and an M24 in my Czech backpack : O

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I died---> appeared outside cherno--> found a lee enfield--->went into the international hotel--->killed a guy with M4A1 CCO, coyote backpack and most of the basics like matches etc---> havent died since 28 dayz and still couting

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i just raid the low populated nigh servers now with some flares/chem lights from a daylight server. even tho the bitch black darkness is annoying, there is lots of loot untouched in those servers and flares make it very easy. just have to watch out for the night vision assholes that also camp the towns.

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I bought a second copy of Combined Operations for €25, just so I wouldn't have to worry so much if I die with one of my characters. It was definately one of the most wortwhile investments I have done this year; it's very nice to be able to have a more casual playing style on one of the characters, rather than worrying about losing all of that great gear all the time.

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And I was going to make a post on the forums saying how this game needs X and needs Y' date=' and is boring and every other little detail I hate.

But then I realized something! [b']I can get it all back instead of complaining on the forums about how I died, or some little issue that only cost me five minutes of my time!

Minds blown! Are you really really 100% sure? I think Rocket should include a RMAH so that people who die and loose their stuff can instantly get the bestestevar gear!

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