G18C 20 Posted November 24, 2017 Not sure about this at all but recently I cleared my hard drive of all things in downloads, appdata, documents, videos, music, ect. and my computer had barely anything on it. I was looking for the .cfg files for a game in the AppData folder when I stumbled across A folder named ÄýéÇ in \AppData\Local\ÄýéÇ Does anyone know about this folder, I wiped my appdata 2 weeks ago but it says that the folder was created 8/25/2017. If you are asking the relevance of this to DayZ Inside the ÄýéÇ folder there is a file named dayz_original.RPT. I'm pretty sure a .RPT file is a method of using a "report" file for crash reports. I tried to open it with Notepad++ and I see this line repeated multiple times. "TexGen source UVWorldPos not supported" Is this from DayZ Mod, or does it have something to do with DayZ Standalone at all? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites