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Baiski AU

Find ammoo but no weapons 95% of the time

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Is it just me or something? A lot people here say they find a gun in 15 minutes. I might find a hatchet in 15 minutes but whenever i find a empty house/barn all i get is ammo , flares , soda , etc . Barely ever and i mean ever a gun. Is it the person that was there before me has already took it?

Do the guns respawn? Or is there something wrong with one of my weapon.pbo files?

P.S i have clocked about 20 hours in total (prob 15 hours excluding learning the ropes and 3 hours trying to find my friend lol.)

and the things i have found are Makarov , Double Barrel Shotgun , Crossbow , Hatchet , .

Am i doing something wrong or just unlucky? Or something wrong with my game files?

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Spawn near Cherno or Electro, hit fire stations, you might find an AK, then go to all enterable buildings for a pistol. If you are in Cherno you can also go to Military tents near hospital.

Also don't play in servers with 50 people because you won't find any loot.

After you got some basic gear head to stary sorob military tents, I ALWAYS find there an AK or something even better (M24/M14/M4 COO etc), after that either barracks or just have some fun pking.

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Use a map like http://dayzmap.info/

When you spawn check where you are, only get once chance, the second row of white text on the lower right will tell you where you are. I wont tell you where to get the best stuff but the map will give you an advantage as it shows which buildings have better then average loot. Check the little deer stands on the map aswell, they can spawn great weapons.

Learn to read the map, memorize which buildings you can go into and DayZ will become a lot more fun.

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