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More then one character profile?

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So I've been playing Dayz with my cousin the last few days. He doesn't want me to play with out him. If I make a new character profile under ArmA2 will that be a new character in Dayz servers?

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Damn. Thank you.

I just realized I should of put this in the "New Player Discussion" part of the forum. Sorry

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No' date=' only way right now is to get another copy.


I'm pondering about buying a second account since a few days. Been lone wolfing a lot, but since 1.7 hit, I'm grouped up with 7 other players and basically we all hang around the same spot and then together move somewhere and do something. Its great fun but in between that, there is not really much I do, maybe just logging in, going to a town, looting some stuff and going back.

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