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Barbwire Fix (short and sweet)

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Takes up 12 slots, has 12 uses.

Fills your entire inventory, doesn't fit into the noob backpack.

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Or have it requiring a toolbox to set-up, pull down AND make it a rare® spawn

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barricades are a good idea so they shouldn't be removed, they just need to be implemented well

you'll need a ton of them to make a legitimate fort, making them rare would make people use them in the only way feasible/effective, blocking entrances to loot spawns

toolbox to set up is just putting up a barrier to entrance into the Loot Blockers Club®

if it filled your inventory, then you'd only pick it up if you had a definite purpose, not "i have space, i will pick up" then "oh i need space, ill just deploy it here HAHAHAHA someone's gonna be piiiiissed"

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