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3rd person and thermal

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3rd person = wallhack needs to be removed. i know there are some servers who disable it but it needs to go completely.

thermal sniper rifles are totally broken, they need to go too imo.


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so dont go to servers with 3rd person

and stop crying about things like that dont like dont play servers wich have it o.o

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Play on hardcore servers without 3rd person.

There's no Thermal Sniper Rifles in DayZ, there used to be, but not anymore.

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That would be a terrible idea. This game is already hard enough to navigate indoors, I dont need to have my vision limited.

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Personally, I support the OP's doing away with third person or, as another poster said somewhere one of the many other times this was discussed, lowering the POV so it gives less bonus visibility.

There are of course many who will support each side of this argument. I guess Rocket will make the call as he sees fit (and there will either be more threads by people wanting it removed across the board or outrage if he does axe it). I find the game far more immersive and scary without 3rd person but if its available it's too much of an advantage to voluntarily ditch it. Would love it if a few more servers had the option.

PS As far as I can tell the NZ servers (where I play) don't seem to have it permanently disabled anymore. Please let me know if that's not true and I'll jump on in :)

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Agree about 3rd person, though there is always the choice to choose a server where it is turned off. Agree about the thermal too, I had the L85A2 AWS last night and it was ridiculous, it gives you too much of an edge. Rather add a choice for the weapons with NV scopes to just turn the NV-mode off so you can actually use them in the daylight too...they are completely useless on servers where the crosshair has been turned off.

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I've always wondered about rifles with nv scopes. Currently the trick with nighttime settings is to turn your contrast and brightness all the way up with hdr on and you can see even on the darkest nights (although it can still get pretty dark). Wouldn't the opposite be true for nv scope weapons/L85 thermo optics rifle?

Of course that would still be a pain to switch settings everytime you need to scope someplace out unless you're being one of those pesky camping bandit hoes.

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