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Thoughts on infected/wolves being able to "grab" you and push you?

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I feel like it'd add a lot to the game (not in a huge way but in a good, minor way) if infected were able to grab players.  It wouldn't necessarily be a quick time event but to break free you would have to try to move around a lot to wiggle free or press a key to push the zed off.  It'd be cool if wolves could also bite on to you and you'd have to wiggle them off.  It shouldn't be something like, if you get grabbed, you instantly stop all movement; it should feel smooth.


And about zombies pushing the player, it's already in but I don't feel like it's intended.  It'd be cool if it could later down the road be an intended feature, where sprinting zombies could bump into players and stagger them (an example of this from other games could be GTA).  Again, it should be a fluid and smooth mechanic.  Sprinting players running into other players could also have the same effect, I think it'd make stuff look more visually appealing.


What do you guys think?  I'm pretty sure this has been suggested before so Im just putting it in general discussions so maybe the developers could see what people think.



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