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Joining other mod servers, problem.

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Hello, I'm running the Six launcher to keep my DayZ up-to-date (if that has to do with anything)

Everytime I try to join a game that uses a different mod, such as Takistan Life or CTI modes, it won't let me join because of the DayZ files.

Tells me to remove DayZ files or register a new key.

Is there a way to disable the DayZ temporarily without having to uninstall it?

No body knows how to fix this? =x

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yes. depending on what you did to get dayz to run there will be a config line or file that says @dayz you need to remove it or create a new batch file and run it without then you can play takistan life.

its the same if you have ace mods or other game mode mods in you can't play dayz

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