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#RealQuestions 2.0

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Well, hello folks,

We're a german DayZ-Roleplaying-Community, constantly growing, and have read, that we could ask some of the really mattering questions here to @Hicks_206 (DayZ) ...well, more or less =D

Will the new animations, coming with the new Player control, enhance the gaming experience in point of interaction?
Is it planned (by Bohemia) to create or convert more maps?
Will it be possible for admins to track the events back (via log) ?
Is it still planned that the island Utes is added to the Chernarus+ map?
Will the game include, what was originally planned, by changing from a Mod to a stand-alone game concept or were the ideas much further developed?
Are there plans for useable boats?
Will it be possible to craft more nutrient-containing food out of self-planted vegetables like tomatoes oder pumpkins (soup, salad etc.)?
Will there ever be more (definitely useless, but nevertheless RP relevant) everyday objects, like buckets, flannel, fork or spoons? (And will the broom or the teddy Brian ever be back)
Will there ever be more character-models or even more possibilities for individualisation?

Aaaaand the bonus round: Will airplanes have an automatic engine or would we hear the gear shifting over the whole map, because of the altitude?

Thank you in advance and have fun =D


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