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Alternate Characters

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I saw a youtuber talking about how he uses his alt when he's not with his group.

Is it possible to create an alternate character? If so, does it require us to purchase another copy of Arma 2 or OA?

The reason I ask is because while this game fosters teamwork, it sucks when members of my group log off for the night, and when I want to play I know I'm leaving my group's last known location, which will make it difficult to regroup, and also if I die on my own I let my group down by losing supplies that were meant to be shared.

And if it DOES require me to purchase another copy of OA, then does that mean I must also play on another Windows install?


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What my clan members do is leave most of the gear in camp then go off solo as if it's a new character. They tend to either die and barely lose anything, or return to camp with a lot more supplies. Which we'll surely appreciate when we log back on.

That said, I'm using 2 alt accounts, requires 3 OA CD Keys. Your character is tied to your CD Key.

I'm doubting myself posting this as I'm unsure how legal it is. However, you can use an ArmA2 KeyChanger to quickly swap keys around when in need of switching characters. The alternative are private servers, they have their own database.

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