13 Posted July 3, 2012 Ok so I just had to shutdown my LU6 server because we were camping a pickup we wanted to repair when this guy in ghillie suit and NVG and M4a1 CCO SD spawns in. I killed him and it said USER was killed by *my name* (Friendly Fire). I could not loot him cos his body sank tru the ground. Not even 3 min later the same guy also called USER spawns in behind the barn like 5 meters away. I killed him again but took some enemy fire this time from him and it said again USER was killed by *my name*. I tried banning him at this time but I clicked ban from server control and nothing happened. Then another guy comes in the server called LOL (same ping so we figured it could be him) and we see the same guy again (exactly same outfit which is super rare) and runs into the barn, we go in after him and he teleports like 10 meters further, killing one of us (we were there with 3 guys).Then he tries to take our motorcycle and we kill him again. We frapsed right after I killed him twice as USER but I screenshotted this the screenshot shows definatly something is wrong cos you can see my name and the 2 kills I did but I have no murder or bandit kill which is as you know impossible.I would like someone from DAYZ dev team to PM me so we can ban his GUID. My friend is uploading the fraps vid as we speak and I noted the time it happened.* Server this happened on: LU6 (* Time that it happened including your timezone: between 00.50-1.05 (UTC+2) july 4th* What happened during the incident: Read above Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 13 Posted July 4, 2012 The hacker has been banned after help from Vilayer Support namely John Still.He has been very helpfull and also gave me a link to an RCON Application to be able to ban hackers more efficient in the future. It is even usable out of the game.After some troubles reaching the Vilayer support this definatly deserves a thumbs up. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites