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Side effects of Murdering

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Why don't people kill each other in real life so many as in this game?

Because they are afraid of consequences and care about reputation. Even the last scumbag would rather beat up somebody, then shoot him at once.

In the zombie world consequences are to be much worse, when you don't have a partner, even if you barely know him.

So why then people are not afraid to kill each other in DayZ?

I'll tell the truth: after an unpleasant incident I've decided to kill everyone I'll meet. Why? Because in these circumstances it's safer to go alone, then to meet an unknown person.

Nobody is afraid to kill because nobody is afraid to die.

You must not make penalties for killing, you must make penalties for dying.

!!! I know that it can be provided only in the realize not in alfa-test !!!

Maybe a ban for N days.

When people will care about their lives they will care about their reputation and the consequences of killing other players. When average lifetime will be couple of weeks and ban after death will last for same couple of weeks instead of 3 minutes of respawn nobody will want to be haunted down by half of players for his murders. And everybody will have a need in friendliness of stranger players.

That's my opinion.

Now it is more easy to survive killing everybody, it must be reversed, so it would be harder, but without direct penalties for murder

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This is a game and it would be a cool feature.

It would be a cool feature.

Provided you don't use it to arbitrarily punish a particular play style while favoring another.

In which case it would be a shitty, stupid feature.

So, yeah.

Either everyone gets hallucinations because we all live in the same living hell every fucking day, or nobody gets them.

Stop trying to slap people on the wrist for playing the game in a certain way.

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Either everyone gets hallucinations because we all live in the same living hell every fucking day' date=' or nobody gets them.

Stop trying to slap people on the wrist for playing the game in a certain way.


Already suggested this, no one is slapping banditry. I love the idea, and I had 35 murders a few lives ago. I don't see this as any kind of punishment. Seeing a hazy figure doesn't mean jack to me, gun shots in the distance would just make me a bit more cautious around the area. It wouldn't change my play style at all, but it would add a little something more to just all the killing.

I honestly don't understand how this would be 'crippling' the bandit part of the game in anyway. Yes, I understand your whole 'equal treatment' crap aswell.

He isn't saying they need to be seeing figures all the time, more like, every so often randomly, something will happen. Be it a gun shot, figure in the distance, or a voice in your ear.

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Well I like the idea, but It needs to be tweaked..I really dont know what rocket has in mind..To do with this bandit thing.. Too much bandits lately..

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Holy shit, for the love of god use a search bar or something. I see this suggested every single day. It's a terrible idea to penalize different playstyles, so stop suggesting stuff like this. DayZ is a PvP with a few PvE elements, get used to it.

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It's a post-apocalypses world. Players have to suffer.

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