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On a average how quick do you find a gun?

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So how long does it take you to find a gun? i found one yesterday but haven't found once since then. Been playing for about 1 hour and a half from then.

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Not long. Barns are the best place to find a quick weapon IMO. For anything useful in pvp you need to check deer stands or military camps. But barns are everywhere and usually have hunting rifles/shotguns, crossbows, and hatchets.

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Depending on spawn location, I can be armed with a fully automatic military grade weapon within 10 minutes. If I end up in a bad spawn location, it can take me 15 minutes to find a weapon. Once you know the map, you've already reached end-game. Can't wait for beta! :)

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depending on luck: 1-30minutes (1 if i find one in the first spot i loot) ;) average: 15minutes maybe, but i often run through the cities "speedlooting" :D at least when i have no gear

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its all on what your looking for rifles will spawn in barns a lot full autos in camps and air bases hand guns be in houses and stores but thats not always %100 so you might find a ak in a store or rifle in a house just so building have a higher rate to spawn things then others

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Then i am doing something wrong. Had the game for 3 DayZ (see what i did there?) and only found a Makarov (hatchet/crossbow) ..... Totaled 13 hours.....

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Apartments are a good place to look first but I find deerstands are always empty. I personally have only had minor, minor luck in barns. Ive been to more than 2 dozen barns and Ive only ever found like 3 weapons. I'd rather stick to apartments because you find food, meds and some nice basic weapons like pistols etc

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Well once I spawned in Cherno and got a whole heap of meds, a Makarov, An Enfield, a Czech Backpack, two water bottles and a whole heap of food and drink. I think I got lucky on that looting run.

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hmm my average could be worse as i wandered around with no plan at first. now its maybe 15-30 minutes in average

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A few minutes at least, but it really depends on where I spawn. If I spawn near Cherno, I head straight for the camp opposite the hospital and usually find an AK or Pistol there, along with the usual misc. loot.

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If my spawn is in cherno or elektro im geared up in around 10 mins with a primary (in my pack), hatchet, and a pistol and out of there before you can say "friendly in cher.." BANG!!! damn it........

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Then i am doing something wrong. Had the game for 3 DayZ (see what i did there?) and only found a Makarov (hatchet/crossbow) ..... Totaled 13 hours.....

That is weirder than weird. Generally about 5-15 minutes max and you should be armed with at least a pistol and a winchester.

In 13 hours you should trekked the map a few times, eaten a truck load of cow and boar, killed a couple of hundred zeds, drank a pond full of water and be on a coke/ pepsi paranoia high throwing chem lights into the forest randomly while shooting your assault rifle at butterflys.

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Not the butterflys! What did they ever do to you?!?!

Dem birds on the other hand, they be shifty types.

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hey,,after trekkin the wild forests for hours , flitting in and out of cover , diving to the ground at every shadow and on a flat coke high..those butterflys really get my eye twitchin

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Depends on how bad I need it, if I need one real bad it takes forever, if I don't need one I'll have MP5sd's and Bizons falling from the sky.

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I have been checking sheds, appartments, barns and factories for 4 hours but I only found a double barreled shotgun which was promptly lost when a sniper shot me as I exited the barn.

Heaps and piles of ammo though.

I still have a lot to learn or I was just a bit unlucky.

Maybe both. :)

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Same as sparten once you know what buildings to loot you can get a Winchester/Enfield in a matter of minutes.

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