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Aggressor (DayZ)

People still crying

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I know there is a lot of tension between friendly and survivors alike. You all would love to cater the game to your needs, well that's not going to happen. This game is trying to achieve something as close as possible to a realistic situation as possible. With the limitations of the system that DayZ is played on it can only do so much in regard to the idea of realism. The people still complaining about snipers and bandits needs to stop. People are animals just more civilized. If something of the nature of a zombie apocalypse was to happen, and all your lives were put to danger, I'm pretty sure the ones who need it will start killing. There is no more law force, there is no government, and to top it all off its still a game. Man became what he was from killing and using force/intelligence to be at the top of the food chain, and that is the instinct that would lead to others killing for their families or themselves. No hard feelings but its the survival of the fittest. This game is based off an ARMY simulator and not a zombie surviving simulator. Its pretty apparent that the PVP side of this game is more interesting and exciting than that of the zombie side. After all there is only so much items in the game for one person to keep raiding cities.

Personally I have never had a sniper, nor will i want one. I am more of an Assault kinda guy. With that being said, try not to die get a good gun and if you really hate snipers that much, well its not hard to find their position just camp the areas the hills and hope one runs into your close range ambush. Till then don't give me that oh i play this game to slay zombies and pray for good items all day bull crap and go get your items from a sniper who has killed plenty of people and wasted plenty of time doing what you cant seem to accomplish yourself and SURVIVE.

edit: typo

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Your argument makes little sense. If we were all killing each other all the time Day-z style the population of humans would still be in the millions, not billions. There is plenty of evidence around in Africa that even in lawless and violent, resource starved environments its still not KoS FFA.

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You are comparing what is modern day real life problems to a problem in-game, I'm not saying its right to do so in real life. I'm saying that since your playing a VIDEO GAME and someone is bullying you, then play rough back. Its obviously not a KoS FFA in Africa but those people cant even try to kill since there is government and there a forces stronger than them, just like in DayZ there is bullies who can snipe un-geared players to keep them peasants.

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