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Man Up

ManUp | 999k-START | BANKS | TANKS | JETS | SLOW-Z | SNAP-V | GROUP MANAGEMENT | Dayz Overpoch Chernarus - IP:

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Here's the info but basically it has the required mods to enjoy the game and a few others that were requested by players. 

Mission file size is 2061 kb which means high FPS! There are 4 random events that change with each restart so the file size may reach 2076 kb max

The server is still new (3 weeks) and the population is between 5 and 20 depending on the time of day. 

I do not use admin - I do it all myself - This eliminates "Admin Abuse" 100%

I'm on the server 12+ hours a day to answer questions or offer help if needed.

The server is prepaid for the next three months and sponsored on Dayz Launcher.  

Server Location is in the USA and normal ping is around 60


Come check it out for yourself - 


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