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Weird Encounter, ghosts in game?!?

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scariest shit

That's hilarious. Whoever is trolling people in this fashion is a legend.

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If you see a white model it could potentially be a zombie who's textures haven't quite loaded up correctly. It does eventually right itself just takes time.

However, I really do hope there are ghosts in this game. That would be fantastic. They don't have to do anything like hurt anyone just have them there for atmosphere. Nothing scarier than running through the countryside at night and you see a black shadow chasing you.

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scariest shit

That's hilarious. Whoever is trolling people in this fashion is a legend.

yeah funny if you see it here in the forum but not if you are lonely in the forest and such a figure comes to you...

(as i posted here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=27147&page=3 )

well at least when you are not totally raw through tv and films... :s

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Yeah like I said I probably would shit my pants then run if it actually happened to me :D

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It's a civilian female burka model introduced in Arrowhead, not a ghost.

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I never ever thought I would say this but if this guy is a hacker please don't ban him!!! This is hacking with style... LOL

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There are lootable skins in the game, quite a few, and some are rare. Couldn't this just be a skin that's rather rare?

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this game would be a true survival horror game if things started popping out at u in the forests at night. infact, id go on a limb and say it would the the most freighting game ever created.

if things like ghosts/zombie dogs/zombie animals start popping up at night in the forest it would be a very interesting game indeed. i say go for it, there is no other horror game with a realism simulator like arma 2/day z out there. youd go down in gaming history, and i feel very strongly about that.

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There are lootable skins in the game' date=' quite a few, and some are rare. Couldn't this just be a skin that's rather rare?


Very unlikely. They seems to be invulnerable to gunshots and they teleport about.

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It would also be awesome if Rocket implemented a system for the radio. So when you encounter something weird in the forest you start with weird noises coming from your radio and then suddenly you start seeing weird stuff like: cows on fire, burka woman, paracows, gun noises, zombie screeches as if they were standing next to you etc.

That would make the game so awesome, but it should only be an extreme rare occassion so that you will never expect it.

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Hackers are so damn weird in this game. A few friends and myself were looking for camps and we decided to go outside the map a few days ago. A friend had placed a 'lol' marker on the map accidentally aswell. We saw what we thought was 4 players on a hill, all looking at the marker, they were moving too. It ended up being 8 NPCs dressed in tuxedos and they all had guns. It was so weird.


I'd crap myself if I turned around and saw one of those ghosts in DayZ xD

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So basically, a Silent Hill mechanic?

I think the random NPC encounters without any warning would be much more terrifying personally :D

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