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Military Skin/Faction?

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I was thinking there could be a new element to the factions in DayZ.

My idea was having a Military force. Kind of like a quarantine unit.

I'm not sure how you would become one, maybe there would be a limited amount of slots open for them to be used.

I thought of some ideas for how they'd look, they could wear MOPP suits if possible, or even just simply a gas mask. This would look really cool with either a woodland or ACU/Marpat camo pattern.

I think this would add a whole new level of immersion to Day Z.

I'm not sure whether it would be better to make them friendly or hostile. I'm leaning on Friendly(Obviously more of a player choice but you know what I mean) because we already have riflemen, they kill bandits but also seem to kill survivors too.

I think it would be cool having them friendly, Military Bases could become a safe haven for survivors where they could come to trade and just rest from the constant struggle.

Military players would start with an M16 with 3 clips and a M9 Pistol with 3 clips aswell. Besides those supplies they'd start with the same 1 water and food as regular survivors.

What do you guys think, wouldn't it be cool to have a small Military faction ingame?

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The humanity system in my opinion is great and something like this could easily be implemented. If anything, the humanity system should be expanded. Custom models should be available to you based upon your humanity score. For example, if your humanity is extremely high, you could choose between several skins, all directly related to your humanity score. Maybe a John Wayne skin for those who romp around slaying bandits like a civil protection unit would, maybe a scientist skin for those who are really good at crafting, maybe a doctor skin for those who heal more often, all available to you based upon the way you play the game. Low humanity, same idea. Different skins would make obvious the intentions of everyone. Just my 2 cents.

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I think it would be cool having them friendly' date=' Military Bases could become a safe haven for survivors where they could come to trade and just rest from the constant struggle.


I play my char since 2 weeks now and I can tell you: The map is too "small" for that.

If it was Sahrani (Arma 1), it could be a good idea but not on Chernarus.

[...] Custom models should be available to you based upon your humanity score. For example' date=' if your humanity is extremely high[...']

There's a tones of topics on that.

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Perhaps during special events' date=' but not something that should happen all the time.


Why not all the time? They could transform the already set Rifleman title into this Military Faction. Just add a cool new skin.

I just think it would be cool to have a more military presence, maybe the survivors could get a more civilian like skin.

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Players and groups of players are able to band together and operate as a military unit if they want; theres no need to make a seperate case for them or create an independant official group people can "apply" too - it would be as bad as when they introduced "Black Ops" to Planetside.

Hopefully we can get some more skins soon (not all skins have backpack compatability however I think theres PLENTY of user created units that do out there, perhaps someone should create a thread and post a few for Rocket to see) so we can customize our characters in a greater depth. When you have a group of around 20+ players working together on a server ID'ing them all properly can get VERY confusing.

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"You one of the 2% uninfected(or something) left on the earth"

Cant we keep it this way? Factions are okay, but no military forces..

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