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Frank N Stein

OMG I see something a night

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I installed 94364 yesterday and I joined a nighttime server a few minutes ago, for the first time with this version and suprise: it wasn't pitch black!

i was able to see! the road, houses, Zeds hopping through the gras...

does anybody had the same experience?

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It does seem like some servers are stuck at a time just after dusk or before dawn. Seeing at night wasn't a problem for me after I read about maxing the brightness, contrast, and having hdr on. I normally turn it off in games due to it's common implementation as a showy effect and not a subtle one.

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I didn't change any options and i didn't saw the moon...

i'll try again on an other server in a few minutes.

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No moon no light.

The moon is the only thing that gives any real light at night, not the stars. So if the moon sets below the horizon then you lose all light in the area.

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damn... yeah, its the moon... didn't know it has such a big influence... sry for spreading false hope...

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Ahh, that's too bad. I also loged onto a server today during nighttime and had the same experience with the full moon.

I actually played on the server for a while, instead of instantly aborting.

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