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Bandit, AND Survivor Rewards.

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A lot of threads say to punish bandits, or reward survivors. But both of them are viable play-styles, so neither should get an advantage or disadvantage.

So, how about we reward both? For bandits, after a certain number of kills ( a number like 4 so it can't be mistaken for self-defense to easily) they get a damage increase. This would be like them being in more fights, so they get better with their weapons. Say, 50% more damage (Or whatever Rocket thinks is best).

But now, what if you are a survivor?If you have been surviving for at-least

a certain amount of time, say 30 minutes, with killing 3 or less people, you should get a max blood increase to say 14,000 ( or whatever rocket thinks is best.)

Now what if a survivor starts killing people? Once a survivor kills 4 or more people ( counting the first 30 minutes' kills ) he becomes a bandit, loses his extra blood increase( so 2,000 is subtracted from whatever blood they have and the max is set back to 12,000) and gains the extra damage from being a bandit.

A survivor can become a bandit, but a bandit cannot become a survivor.

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A Trait bonus scheme? That rewards/reinforces you for being consistent to a style of play. Yeah, I buy that. But the traits would have to make sense within an "RPG" viewpoint (not Rocket Propelled Grenade)

Trait bonuses I would suggest:

1) Players who move across those miles, get a speed and stealth bonus (quieter); they increase this skill.

2) Players who camp in one place get a speed drop (they are getting fat) and noisier (they don't practice field craft)

3) Players who bandage someone else, get a ...hmmm humanity bonus...sounds familiar that one.

I guess if other players could SEE your humanity level, then altruistic behaviour could have positive traits that are worth acquiring. Otherwise...hard to see how bandaging someone does anything except allowing you to get quicker at doing it.

EDIT: I know; the player you treat gets a trait "War wounds" - if you die then they get a penalty which causes blood to seep.

(4) Players who eat too many beans...errr...start making farts (which attracts zombies :-) )

But yes, a system in which your behaviour has obvious consequences and drives outcomes would be good (too bad it's not an open mod). But traits that impact areas associated with player skill (like aiming your weapon) would be a bad idea in my opinion.

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No, horrible idea. This isn't Call of Duty or Fallout 3. A big -1.

I understand you are trying to have some kind of incentive and reward for people to be bandits or survivors, but just no.

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Personally I believe the penalty of killing another player is having their blood on your hands.

The more you kill, the easier zombies will sense you, it will never fade, the effect starts slowly but can become massive, say if you killed over 20 players it would be comparable to you being soaked in blood, would be nice if it had a visual.

The only way to remove would be an item as rare as antibiotics.

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Personally I believe the penalty of killing another player is having their blood on your hands.

The more you kill' date=' the easier zombies will sense you, it will never fade, the effect starts slowly but can become massive, say if you killed over 20 players it would be comparable to you being soaked in blood, would be nice if it had a visual.

The only way to remove would be an item as rare as antibiotics.


But why punish the bandits? Being a Bandit is a just as viable and good as a survivor. So you shouldn't punish one or reward one, both should get equal, but different, rewards.

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Idea is completely imbalanced. Bandits get a 50% increase to their damage, and Survivors only get a 17% boost to their health? Nuts. To. That. Time to go on a killing spree if that happens.

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But why punish the bandits? Being a Bandit is a just as viable and good as a survivor. So you shouldn't punish one or reward one' date=' both should get equal, but different, rewards.


Well the problem of the current state of game is that it is literally kill everything on site if you have even a single piece of decent gear.

The point of above is that it makes it harder for bandits to enter town, the balance would be they get any loot they retrieve off the people they kill.

This only effects zombies, which are already pitifully easy, if there was even a visual effect, this may actually make true bandits feel badass.

And for your infomation, there is no such thing as bandits or survivors in this game, because of how people play we are all the same.

We all kill each other because of past experiences, this does not effect only bandits, survivors who kill others in self defense get this as well, even if they killed another bandit.

It would add a whole new effect to killing others, you spill their blood, you get more bloody, the more zombies will notice you.

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Idea is completely imbalanced. Bandits get a 50% increase to their damage' date=' and Survivors only get a 17% boost to their health? Nuts. To. That. Time to go on a killing spree if that happens.


Well you could change the amount of health bonus.

But why punish the bandits? Being a Bandit is a just as viable and good as a survivor. So you shouldn't punish one or reward one' date=' both should get equal, but different, rewards.


Well the problem of the current state of game is that it is literally kill everything on site if you have even a single piece of decent gear.

The point of above is that it makes it harder for bandits to enter town, the balance would be they get any loot they retrieve off the people they kill.

This only effects zombies, which are already pitifully easy, if there was even a visual effect, this may actually make true bandits feel badass.

And for your infomation, there is no such thing as bandits or survivors in this game, because of how people play we are all the same.

We all kill each other because of past experiences, this does not effect only bandits, survivors who kill others in self defense get this as well, even if they killed another bandit.

It would add a whole new effect to killing others, you spill their blood, you get more bloody, the more zombies will notice you.

And a zombie can SEE and HEAR me better when I am bloody because why? Smell is not in-game.

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Extra damage doesn't make any sense, too arcade like IMO.

Same with "extra blood". Your advantages shouldn't be given to you, they should be earned. Things like skill, patience, and experience are the best things to have, not "Power-Ups" for doing special things.

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I never said they could see or hear you better, I said sense you.

They are looking to better this game, adding Smell would be a logical thing to do in future.

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I'm glad I watched that PC Gamer session with Rocket, so I know this type of garbage will never be seen in this mod.

He said something like "if you're good at it in real life, you should be good at it in the game" and "no skill progressions".

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At least you're thinking about both playstyles

I don't particularly like the more damage/more blood thing as I would take more damage everytime hands down since I hardly ever aggro zeds and usually only die to being shot thus making extra blood useless.

Maybe something like a stealth bonus for survivors (learning to adapt to how zeds react to stimuli) and having your peripheral vision work over longer distances for bandits (always searching for the next kill). Minor things that help but won't give too large an advantage

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At least you're thinking about both playstyles

I don't particularly like the more damage/more blood thing as I would take more damage everytime hands down since I hardly ever aggro zeds and usually only die to being shot thus making extra blood useless.

Maybe something like a stealth bonus for survivors (learning to adapt to how zeds react to stimuli) and having your peripheral vision work over longer distances for bandits (always searching for the next kill). Minor things that help but won't give too large an advantage

Yes' date=' good idea, as long as both play-styles get a bonus.


I'm glad I watched that PC Gamer session with Rocket' date=' so I know this type of garbage will never be seen in this mod.

He said something like "if you're good at it in real life, you should be good at it in the game" and "no skill progressions".


But what if you are bad at something in real life? Most people can't fix a care, properly shoot a weapon, fly helicopters, give blood transfusions, the list goes on. People aren't good at these things, so they shouldn't be able to do them well in the game. According to your post, anyway.

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Personally I believe the penalty of killing another player is having their blood on your hands.

The more you kill' date=' the easier zombies will sense you, it will never fade, the effect starts slowly but can become massive, say if you killed over 20 players it would be comparable to you being soaked in blood, would be nice if it had a visual.

The only way to remove would be an item as rare as antibiotics.


I had an idea like yours, but is related to heartbeat.


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terrible idea... it is not fallout3.

Leaderbord should be your only reward.

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Most people currently play as kill-on-sight bandits. This is due to the current state of the rewards presently in the game. Lots of people play like bandits because there are simply more rewards to doing so. Here are the current "rewards" for playing like a bandit versus a survivor:


- Increased safety

- Better access to loot


- Warm fuzzies for not murdering other people

- Theoretical possibility that people you don't kill might help you in the future

You don't currently really get any kind of tangible reward for playing as a survivor. If you give new rewards to both bandits and survivors, people will continue to predominately play as bandits because that will still be where the lion's share of the rewards are.

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They do not need a welfare check.

Maybe, if you want to give the survivors something, give them a twinkie or a bodyguard named Tallahassee...

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Idea is completely imbalanced. Bandits get a 50% increase to their damage' date=' and Survivors only get a 17% boost to their health? Nuts. To. That. Time to go on a killing spree if that happens.


This. 1000x this.

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50% damage increase!! YEHA COWBOYS!!!

nah that seems excessive. still decent point about advantaging each of them issue is if you advantage both then how big/small do you make it as 50% is pretty crasy,

neway interesting new idea

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Personally I believe the penalty of killing another player is having their blood on your hands.

The more you kill' date=' the easier zombies will sense you, it will never fade, the effect starts slowly but can become massive, say if you killed over 20 players it would be comparable to you being soaked in blood, would be nice if it had a visual.

The only way to remove would be an item as rare as antibiotics.


But why punish the bandits? Being a Bandit is a just as viable and good as a survivor. So you shouldn't punish one or reward one, both should get equal, but different, rewards.

The reward is you get that persons loot, their reward is not getting chased by zombies.

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I agree there needs to be a reward/bonus but not sure i think bandits need a higher attack bonus, i mean it takes one bullet to the head and your dead. If anything the bandit should get a bonus that affects how easy they can kill and detect zombies. The survivors need some way to identify if theres good loot in towns. I do think that camping people should get fat/out of shape and have a negative effect, but that should be for both bandits and survivors.

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I agree there needs to be a reward/bonus but not sure i think bandits need a higher attack bonus' date=' i mean it takes one bullet to the head and your dead. If anything the bandit should get a bonus that affects how easy they can kill and detect zombies. The survivors need some way to identify if theres good loot in towns. I do think that camping people should get fat/out of shape and have a negative effect, but that should be for both bandits and survivors.


What about the fact that bandits already have a reward?

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