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Da Mule Robba

Servers not up to date.

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So whats up with these server admins, why arent they updating their servers? Some servers seems to be two or three updates late. Not to mention their host text differs what the ArmA client says in the lower section of the server browser. For example wrong beta or wrong difficulty.

I bet some ppl doesnt even know about this and they get problems like debug forest or fields.


What i forgot to say that atleast in europe this is huge problem. Almost every FI, SE, DE or UK servers are still 93xxx beta versions which i found very odd.

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Because most server admins are not on 24/7.

Find a different server

Yeah, thanks for the tip. Didnt think of that :rolleyes:

Like i said. Joining with 94364 to older version servers makes shitload of problems. For the players sake, i urge admins to update their server side software.

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Yeah, unlike most games this mod requires some manual admin work which I am not seeing a lot of. More than half of the servers are not up to date or synced with hive and it is extremely irritating.

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