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Just logged into server - been tele'd across map

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So a mate and I were in Stary Sobor before on ANZ5 (3am AEST - 4/7/12) and we logged off. We came back on to go and continue our quest when to our surprise I had been teleported all the way across map from Stary Sobor to Otmel (out on the islands of Otmel to be specific) WITH all my gear except a DMR I had picked up 10 minutes prior logging. Him being scared of spawning there too went to a different server before he finished loading in. To his surprise he logged into this new server and he was spawned in Drakon with all his gear too. I have no idea what the hell just happened but I am most certainly confused as all hell.

Running the latest beta patch and

Username of myself - Taco (ID: 11670278)

His username - Aulz (ID: 22603590)

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You said your last login was three months ago?

He said he was logged in 3am AEST - 4/7/12. That would be on the other side of the International Date line, thus the date confusing you. It is in DAY/MONTH/YEAR format.

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You said your last login was three months ago?

He said he was logged in 3am AEST - 4/7/12. That would be on the other side of the International Date line' date=' thus the date confusing you. It is in DAY/MONTH/YEAR format.


Yes. I saw the date. I knew it was in D/M/Y format based on his country code of the server. But, as 4/7/12 (7/4/12) is today and he made this post yesterday. That would mean he logged off in Stary after he made this post about being teleported?

This is why I asked the question, "You said your last login was three months ago?"

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