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"Waiting for character to create"

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Hello everyone,

Yesterday i bought this game...because of the awsomeness i saw on Let's plays and thing.As i know,yesterday day-z suffered a DDoS atack sadly,and i coudn't connect to any server.This morning i finally reached a server, but is the only server that seems to work.Other servers are staying at "Waiting for character to create" screen.Sorry for gramatical errors in this post.Thanks,David.

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Hello I have the same problem only that i already played this game and i get this message every second day around. I get the "waiting for character to create" message and cant join any server but somehow veteran servers work sometimes. I am already the 4th day alive. I bought this game through steam but i dont have steam open while playing because im using the sixth launcher

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Hope that some moderator see this post and help us out.

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Been stuck at character create for 2 days now. Updated battleeye 5 mins ago aswell.

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patience. afaik they are working on it. i have that issue, too.

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It's a server problem

I just joined around 20 servers and all have this Waiting for Character to create stuck bug.

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After downloading the game(s), I was able to play for a good 20 minutes or so (until I got raided by some zeds in Kamblwobo or w/e), then left to do some chores, and now I come back to this problem. Can't get into any server without it just sitting there saying 'waiting for character to create'

What's up? The people on the server were talking about you guys getting hacked?

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Seriously... WTF... is this issue being ignored? I haven't been able to join any servers for the past 2 days and I'm getting sick of going through the whole process to try and join over and over.

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This is why i made this thread...i buy arma 2 CO just for dayz and now i can't play...


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This is why i made this thread...i buy arma 2 CO just for dayz and now i can't play...


You can play Arma2, DayZ is a mod in Alpha. You didnt pay for DayZ.

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It's a mod for a game... also its in the Alpha stage so bugs are going to be common, you didn't pay for DayZ you paid for Arma 2.

Regardless if you intended to only play DayZ, you gave your money to Arma 2.

Like i said its an Alpha so the servers, and such are going to be buggy, just be glad that its a public alpha test, as to a closed Alpha test.

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But... i can't play it. Plus we know we payed for Arma but if I had the option of only paying for DayZ I glady would have cause no one wants to play Arma 2... thats why they hired the DayZ creator to help work on Arma 3 cause this is how the game should be... if it ever starts working again.

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I suggest getting a pen and paper and writing down every server you try to join, when one fails mark it with an "X" and try another. This way you don't keep trying the same servers, and the information of which ones are bugged could prove useful. Also look for more populated servers, in my experience the ones around 10/50 didn't work, but most around 40/50 did.

I also bought Arma2:CO just for DayZ, if the mod did not exist I would not have purchased it. However I understand that this mod is in alpha, glitches and bugs are expected, although I may still complain about them when they screw me over.

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I searched 30 mins for a server wich was working. It doesnt make fun to use more time for searching a working server than in playing..

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Any offical statement ? It can't be true that some players have to join 49/50 server to make that game working and others can join 1/40 servers easily or join any server

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He's right. I've noticed very lightly populated servers are having that character is creating issue, while the larger ones are fine.

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I've had almost same problem yesterday... I was stuck at "Loading" screen. Today i've spawned in Kamenka with empty gear, though Stats in Debug Monitor are the same. What the hell is going on?

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