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Scary Person (oriental (?) Skin)

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Logical explanation: we know hackers have put all sorts of things into the game. I've seen video of the Apache Longbow,Blackhawks, so why not hack in an NPC civilian from some of the other ArmA missions? Or could the hacker somehow log in with modified settings just to mess around with people?

It's quite believable considering we have vid of hackers causing everyone to fall from the sky to their deaths. It seems easier to pilot an NPC than to kill everyone, but what do I know, I'm no programmer.

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I can confirm this. I've seen screen shots of a woman in full garb dropped in on top of the normal zombies on servers. It was just a standard, civillian woman in a religious garb, dropped by accident or on purpose... For the life of me, I can't remember where I saw her thou...

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Saw this person (npc?) too yesterday. Also made a thread about it.


If it was a hacker -> Freaking hilliarous! Keep it on :D

//edit: my thread i opened yesterday http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=27336

:idea: Somebody there got a screenshot of it!!!! :idea:

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yay.. thats the model i saw. maybe different color but yes thats it. maybe a mod should put those two threads together?

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So i know its not quite the same thing, but this is the only thread I can find similar to what I saw not even 15 mins ago. So me and my friend just logged into a server, at the NWAF, and I was in between two pine trees, looking in the scope of my M24 sniper. I was positive no one could see my from my rear, and I did have some branches covering my front. i was pretty happy with my cover. Anyways, I look at the fire station, the hangers, then I look north scoping down the airfield, then i look south to the right of me, and I stop there for a long while looking in that direction to make sure no one was just entering the field. I then look back at the fire station to further scope it out. I then hear gun shots literally on top of me, I right click, and I see the barrel of a FN FAL to the RIGHT of me, the direction I looked at the MOST, and this was not even a minute after I joined the game, I look over, and this guy I kid you not was wearing a black like robe, and a white mask. He shot me maybe 10 times, And I swear I shot him at least once in the gut, he took no damage but I was killed. My friend then looked in my direction and saw NO ONE, he kept looking over there and next thing he knew he was sniped instantly. We were in the same room and he saw a glimpse of my screen of the person, and when I looked back at his after I died, I didnt see anyone over there either. I dont know if anyone has ever encountered this but I feel like it was a hacker of some sort?

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I believe it was some "Takistani" Model from Arrowhead. So it was a hacked NPC or the Hacker himself. On Eu #404 one of our Guys got chased by two Priests in the middle of nowhere. Very annoying.


Strange story but... i often spawn with white skins (just a few seconds). Maybe he logged in behind or on your position. But this does not explain the black robe =/

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"he was oriental" "his face was completely covered"

fuck off attentionwhore.

Because it's completely impossible to label someone based on something other than their face, like clothes or accessories. No dude. You're right.


My theory, it's a Takistani spawned in like in the granny video and just following you like a creep. I would have freaked right the fuck out as well and I don't blame anyone for not screen shooting. I know from experience when crazy stuff is happening I forget to hit record with Fraps, and so I miss a lot of cool stuff. Now add fear as well as adrenaline and nervousness, I would say trying to remember hitting extra buttons THEN would be nearly impossible.

Maybe we can start a Monster-Hunter group on DayZ to find these creatures of the night?

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