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Blueluigi6 (DayZ)

Too much lag

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I run on windows vista, which said to be bad for armA 2. But when I put up dayZ the lag was so bad I could barely move! Everything the movement is delayed and looking, Does anyone know how to reduce lag?

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Buy a new computer. You can't go blaming the game or mod because of lag. Yes, Arma has weird Graphical... things.


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Buy a new computer. You can't go blaming the game or mod because of lag. Yes' date=' Arma has weird Graphical... things.



AMD Anthlon 64 x2 Dual Processor 4000+ 2.10 ghz

32 bit operating system

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Graphics card? Ram?

and if you've got a 64 bit proc why are you running 32 bit vista? Go buy 64bit 7 and you will be glad you did.

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Graphics card? Ram?

and if you've got a 64 bit proc why are you running 32 bit vista? Go buy 64bit 7 and you will be glad you did.

RAM - 1982

Nvidia Geforce 6150se Nforce 430

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