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EU8 Firefight electro.

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Just have a quick question. who did me and lucian have a fire fight with around electro on the hill above the fire station? :) with 3 people i think it was.

Might as well tell the whole story. Soo here we are 2 lonley players hunting for gear. Well Lucian is. i am watching his back while he loot. so the story begins.. Lucian went to check out the supermarket in electro while i was trying to get back in to the server. He went in. Looted and on his way out he was shot. (i was on the server by then) so i decide to check who killed him. saw 2 guys on the school/office building near the supermarket. decided to move a little closer. and there they where. switched to my M249 and shot 3 quick in the one i saw. Boom down he went. Waited patiently for the other guy and suddenly he show his pretty face. Looting his mate. so i poop 1 round in his head. Lucian luckily spawned near electro so he was quick on looting their boodies and his own body in the super market. Then the trip begins. we start moving up on the hill and start our journey to Stary. When out of nowhere we get shot at. We run like crazy and dodgeing one bullet after another. localizing the shooter and hide behind a tree in his blind spot.

As i start shooting at the guy i noticed another player appearing on the field. that manages to take down lucian but i manage to take down him in the process. bleeding as i am i decide to make a run for it. AND yet again another player appear.. shooting like crazy after me. localizing him also i decide to jihad his ass. running and masshing bullets against him like crazy. manages to kill him somehow. think he had a DMR and the other guy that survived have a AK i think. running like crazy i still hear bullets flying around me. managed to get some distace after running like crazy i decide to wait a little to see if i see some movement. blurry 3,9k blood left. i wait. then the server crash. getting in again to give it a try. noticed i'm passed out. takes a break :D. well it was the most intense firefight i have had in the game so far. And to the guys i managed to kill. no harsh feelings it's only a game ;)

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