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Hey guys, I'm new to this game.

So I'm with my 4th character now and it always goes like this:

Go into town, lots of zombies, get killed.

How is there even a way to get rid of these zombies? And why do they always find me?

And I'm always out of ammo.

I read tutorials etc but they don't help me that much.

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I can give you a big finnicky list of things to do different, but really as it stands, towns are lethal or incredibly draining to a well geared person. As a solo noob, the best way you're going to survive is to go north and look for the little wooden watch towers and kill the military zombies who guard them.

Once you kill those zombies, loot the tower and hopefully get a gun from it.

Otherwise, try to loot barns or sheds for enfield or winchester ammo. A winchester will allow you to survive. Pick up all the ammo you can.

They're going to need to lower the zombies or make it town specific for the big spawns. At the moment the ammunition is too scarce to make any settlement a worthwhile raid target.

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youve gotta take into consideration that the "game"...or "concept" is still in Alpha testing. Recently there was an update that upped the amount of zombie spawns...so were technically testing that update.

...try crawling to avoid Z's

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Wait for someone else who is "new" to aggravate all the Zeds, then go hide in a church or tower.

Also, always crouch and don't run. Zed's are pretty damn blind and you can sneak past them if you take time.

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where exactly are these millitary towers?

And how do i regain hp?

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K, your hp is your blood.

You regain blood 2(3) ways

1. blood transfusions from other players: fills you up completely.

2. Eating food:

2.a: Eating canned food gives you 200 blood(if i remember correct)

2.b: Eating food that you have gathered from animals and cooked gives you 800 blood(again, if i remember correct).

Another great place to get weapons at the start of the game as a solo player are farms, especially buildings like this one:


Plenty of loot "spawns" inside it, in my experience at least 1 rifle with ammo.

Another good place to get items are churches like this:


plenty of loot inside, easily visible from a distance.

Might be a bit hard to get there if your new to the game but once you are familiar with the "aggro" range on zombies you should be able to sneak into a church when you see it.

PS: avoiding players is a whole other game...

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