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ok, so melee is out...

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Please dont flame, I realize the basis of the game is surviving, and that death is inevitable. I love that aspect of the game. What I dont love is that (In my experience, which is admittedly limited) once I am out of ammo, I am pretty much dead.

I am SORT OF ok with needing a knife to butcher an animal.

I am ok with dying from starvation or hunger.

I am ok with being able to die from bloodloss.

But the running out of ammo, and no melee option really hurts my butt. It might be a result of my noobness (if it is, please tell me the solution) but when I am out.. I am out. Sure, I can crawl near a Zed, and maybe find some ammo on a loot pile, but when I actually loot the gear, I sit up and the Zed aggro's.

I dont think that it would be unbalancing (in that it greatly impacts your ability to survive... since the odds SHOULD be against you) to have a chance of spawning ammo in some of the empty farm areas, or places like that, where zeds rarely spawn? I am not saying that it spawns 100% of the time in these locales, but if you are out of ammo, it is a carrot... Gives you something to chase, when you cant fight anything else.

Hope this makes sense, sorry if it doesnt. I am typing it from work, so I am getting interrupted all the time. Stupid job...

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yeah, i think melee would be neat too. But the current AI set up, wouldnt work much with it

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I saw that thread, and wrote this assuming that melee is just plain out of the question. As a sort of alternative to the bat/crowbar/axe.... gives ya something to do when you have nothing. If there were melee weaps, I wouldnt even suggest this.

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Yea u should have at least half a chance of beating a zombie to death with your fists (or maybe even strangling one lol). A few times I've killed several zombies only to be killed by the last one (& that's after I have shot him!)

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