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DayZ: The Do's and Dont's.

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DayZ: Do's and Dont's Update V1.04

Amended: A few grammar errors here and there. Dotted the T's and crossed the I's etc.

Added: Links to useful information regarding DayZ.

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Rule 10: People in white are bandits. Dont trust a thing they say' date=' they want your beans.


I am so tired of people labeling all bandits as malicious player killers. When in reality, most bandits are probably in their current state due to self defense. I don't know why people automatically assume a bandit had malicious intent when he got his kills, and his skin. They could have very well been from self defense, or friendly fire.

It just saddens me because when I eventually become a bandit due to defending myself, despite being a very friendly person, I'll have to kill everyone I meet in fear of initial judgement due to my skin.

I really don't think that's a good message to pass to new players, either. You should always judge on the individual based on themselves, and not how they appear, the guy in the PMC skin could be much worse than a guy in a bandit skin, with how the system is currently implemented, you just don't know.

Broken assumption. Someone with a bandit skin is 100x more likely to be a player killer, DO NOT EVEN TRY TO BE FRIENDS WITH THEM. It is true they might not *deserve* the skin so the best cause of action is to hide and/or run away instead of shooting. If you can't get away from him and/or he has spotted you then go for the kill.

btw you aren't stuck a bandit forever if you just play carefully to avoid more blood shed and help other players with bandaging and such.

I read through the tutorial (while my game downloads) and I'm bit confused. Most of the tips tell how to survive encounters with PK's.

Is this a zombie mod or team death match???

Bandits are 100x more dangerous than zombies.

You can exploit the lack of brains in zombies to kill countless hordes, but a single player can kill you with one shot.

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as Sachaztan says, although the bandit skin can be earned by killing in self defence by legitimate friendly players, the skin still massively increases the chances that the guy is a PK-er. While I don't shoot on sight, I keep my weapon on them, and if they do anything whatsoever that I don't like, I wouldn't hesitate to kill. After all, I get no humanity penalty for killing a bandit, and the risks are high. But as I say, I do recognise that not every bandit is necessarily a PK-ing maniac, so I hold off on the trigger initially, provided I have advance warning and they don't surprise me.

If I were to turn a corner and be surprised by one, I would kill without a second thought. No time for verifying things there, its kill or very likely be killed. I'd say thats fair.

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