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DayZ SA freezes every 3 seconds ;/

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Hello, generaly game works smooth but it freezes every 3 seconds ;/

My config:
i7 6700k

16gb ram

GF 660Ti

OS SSD: Crucial MX 200 250GB
Games HDD WD Black 500gb

PSU: EVGA SuperNova G2 850W.


Windows 10 64bit.


All other games works perfectly but this one wont.

I played DayZ many times for few yours but I recently came back after little break and it is unplayable for me ;/

Please help ;(

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-Read this thread, https://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/224710-performance-issues/


cfg settings are the most important, set them to read-only when you are done else if you change ANYTHING in-game it all resets.


-Go into your BIOS and make sure your memory is configured properly. I did this recently and it helped me a bunch, with my hiccups in all games that suffered them. You have Intel so you should have an XMP preset profile just waiting for you to select it. I had to get CPUZ and set all mine manually since I guess for some reason XMP profiles only work for Intel chipsets... You'll have to find your way around the BIOS on your own, its not too hard.


-Put DayZ on your SSD if you have not already


-Wait just a little bit longer and look forward to the soon to be public testing Enfusion Engine.



Hope that helps  you out o7

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I already configured my ram and stress tested it, i think this is not issue related to performance but it is some bug ;/

Propably I need to wait for next update ;(

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