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H4ppY C4mp3R

Noob Lesson of the Day.

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Turn my Stream off and set my Profile to private or some squeaker bandit will waste my 3 hours of hard work. I will find you TOON SNIPER... and you will pay lol...  but yeah... Lesson learned on that one!!

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I'd entertained the notion of streaming once upon a time my friends and I get into some interesting situations, but especially now that persistence is working it seems a bit dangerous to do. So many little things that can be used to watch your behavior to look for your camp and such. Now that I only play on one server that makes it even more likely for someone to use your stream against you. Props to the guys that do it, but I think if I did anything it would just be short little videos, no point in giving possible enemies information on your position even if it s a little delayed. Sucks that happened better luck next time.

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I'd entertained the notion of streaming once upon a time my friends and I get into some interesting situations, but especially now that persistence is working it seems a bit dangerous to do. So many little things that can be used to watch your behavior to look for your camp and such. Now that I only play on one server that makes it even more likely for someone to use your stream against you. Props to the guys that do it, but I think if I did anything it would just be short little videos, no point in giving possible enemies information on your position even if it s a little delayed. Sucks that happened better luck next time.

i actually watched a couple streams last night. both were stream sniped essentially the entire time. the first guy by hackers of course.

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I'd entertained the notion of streaming once upon a time my friends and I get into some interesting situations, but especially now that persistence is working it seems a bit dangerous to do. So many little things that can be used to watch your behavior to look for your camp and such. Now that I only play on one server that makes it even more likely for someone to use your stream against you. Props to the guys that do it, but I think if I did anything it would just be short little videos, no point in giving possible enemies information on your position even if it s a little delayed. Sucks that happened better luck next time.

When I did stream it was never an issue for me and I usually peaked around 50 viewers. People generally tended to help and want to run in groups but then you did always have one of THOSE guys.

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