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True Vanilla Dayz Server - located in Germany.

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Hello there guys Thekobr4 here.


I've just launched my own private vanilla server.


With that being said, nothing is changed or modified, no custom scripts are running or anything else.


Why should YOU join?


This server provides you the true and classic DayZ feeling, just as it should be: Untouched and unedited.

Since the server has a Up- and Download rate of approx. 100Mb/s it can guarantee you, to experience your very own story at it's finest - in a lag free environment.

It also restarts every 6 hours, to keep the server fresh. Decreasing the chance of running already looted places.


Besides me, there are 2 other trying to make everyone happy. If you have a problem, dont bother messaging me via my Messgagin through this site, or even ingame.


We will be there for you.



Interested in playing? Don't bother joining the server, you won't regret it!


1. First of all, you're going to need ArmA 2 + ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead.

2. You will need to download the latest version of Dayz via Steam.

3. Search for this (or any other server) with the following options:


First option:


   - Click on the remote button

   - Fill in the following:



Port:                      2302


Second Option:


   - Click on filter

   - Remove set every setting to default

   - Fill into the hostname bar the following: DE9837




Server settings:


Third Person: on

Spawn selection: on

Nameplates are turned off

Death messages: off

Crosshair is toggled off

Side Chat: off




I would love to see you on this server.


If you have any question regarding to the server, dont bother messaging me. I will answer as soon as possible.


Have a wonderful day.


Yours Faithfully, Thekobr4. :)

Edited by TheKobr4

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