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PvG:Games are for Entertainment

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I see threads stating "oh my god pvp is so stupid blah blah blah i lost loot blah blah blah" and i also see "All your 'Carebears' need to go back to hello kitty online this isn't the mod for you blah blah blah."


How you want to play is how you want to play

If you want to shoot everything on sight and sit in cherno on a roof with a sniper scope trained on the roads, Great! Play how you want.

If you wanna go total zombie apocalypse and avoid human contact and just kill zombies to *survive*, Awesome! Play how you want.

The fact that you can do either or change the type of style that you play is what makes this mod SO immersive and great. The only real rules of this game are

#1 Expect to die.


#3 Don't go into cities unless you need to


It's entertainment regardless of how you play. If you get killed by a bandit besides the rage you feel don't you respawn and try again? What's stopping you from quitting all together? YOU ENJOY THE GAME.

As a bandit that feeling you get when you're waiting and waiting for a player to walk through a doorway with an AS50 on his back so you can wreck him with your double-barrel to take his shit. It's complete enjoyment and half of you probably have a grin on your face when you do that.

You play how you want to play because you find enjoyment out of the game. So why not just do some PvG guys?

I can 95% guarantee Rocket won't change things to make them easier on bandits or survivors. The balance it's in right now is excellent and it shouldn't be changed.

Without bandits the game would be challenge-less. It would be so boring after you get your badass NVGs and DMRs or w/e.

It isn't realistic because its a game for entertainment. It has realistic qualities but saying "If it were real lif-" Stop right there. It isnt real life. IT IS A GAME FOR YOUR ENTERTAINMENT.

TLDR, stop bitching play the game for fun.

P.S. I'm not a bandit which people may assume, i'm simply enamored with this game because of how fun it is in all aspects.

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Because we have a bunch of insecure assholes who like to complain and brag how they play/understand the game better than anyone ever could. That's why.

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