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Reg Park

tripwire + grenade ?

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so how does this work exactly, i know you make the tripwire with sticks + rope/wire then attach the grenade, at that point you can setup tripwire on the ground and it looks great but do you have to actually unpin the grenade for it to actually work is my question? ive seen videos of it not going off.

Edited by Reg Park

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In my experience it doesn't work.  You trip the wire and the grenade just flops down.


Like you, I thought perhaps you have to unpin the grenade then attach it.  Predictably, such a risky experiment did not end well for me.  Once unpinned the grenade goes off as normal, even when attached.


I think for now they simply aren't functioning correctly.



As a side note, has anyone seen any bear traps or landmines this patch?

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WOBO said that you need to unpin the granade then attach it, but it will blow up 5 seconds after someone activated it and it only works with russian granades which means the RDG-5. I havent tested it myself tho.

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