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A quick explanation of Global Bans and how BattleEye makes it's decisions

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Simple explanation for everyone, and I learned all this myself in 60 minutes using Google and speaking to some long-term server managers from the ARMA community who have much wisdom on the subject. What I learned was interesting enough to share without giving away any secrets. So:

BattleEye bans work like this: BattleEye records what you do and what code is running ON YOUR PC (not just in DayZ/ArmaII) when you are playing DayZ/ArmaII.

You might say this is spyware; it isn't because you agreed to it when you clicked "agree" on the Terms of Use/EULA when you installed the game. Whether you read it or not IS NOT LEGALLY RELEVANT, you agreed it; that's binding. Your only course of action is to uninstall.

BattleEye records this data and adds anyone it finds using any cheats to the Global Ban List. The list DOES NOT WORK IMMEDIATELY.

They collect a list for a month or so and then it gets implemented ALL AT ONCE and everyone on it gets banned at the same time (like what happened the other day).

So cheats may continue to work on BattleEye without getting someone banned until the next list is implemented.

So if you cheat AT ANY TIME BattleEye will record it and you will be banned on the next list. Because of the delay some people think they're "getting away with it". You are not; just because your cheat works for 4-6 weeks it doesn't mean it's gone undetected, it just means that you haven't been banned for it YET.

A lot of what it does is very simple script detection as this is how the majority of ARMAII cheats are created. All the sites I looked at that tell you how to script for DayZ ALL carry the same warning: BattleEye will eventually detect your script and at that point you will be added to the global ban list, and next time it updates YOU WILL get global banned.

New scripts are added to the list of things it looks for all the time, so something that might not get you banned this month will probably be on the list next month. If it's added to the list AND YOU ALREADY USED IT before it was added then BattleEye will know, that fact will be logged and you will be on the next ban list.

Can it make mistakes: actually no, not really. It's a piece of software looking at pieces of software. It's not like you looking in a cupboard for a black sock and accidentally thinking a dark blue sock is actually black. It's software; it deals in YES or NO not MAYBE or I'M NOT SURE or JUST IN CASE. If it bans you it found something on your PC that is on it's list of "Reasons to Ban Someone", simple as.

Final note: No company that writes anti-cheat software will tell you exactly how it works or what they're looking for. That'd be like banks telling robbers what time of day they switch off all their security cameras for testing. That's why you don't get told what you were banned for; because if people know what BattleEye is looking for they might find a way around it. Stamping your feet and swearing at DayZ devs (who don't have ANY say in global bans) definitely won't get you unbanned. But keep posting; it keeps the rest of us in LULZ.

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Good post, deserves to be stickified, either her or on the Ban Appeals forum. Provided the information is good of course :)

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