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TRUMPET (.22) ROBBERY! - DayZ Standalone - TheLonelyBandit

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After spotting a guy following me I switch things up and end up following him into Polana. As I consider myself a true bandit I made it my objective to rob him instead of kill him straight up.

This is what happens... Hope you enjoy :)

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I would never let someone with a Trumpet hold me up... or indeed with any weapon. I would have used some colourful language and smashed your face in.


Me and my friend Geordie were once approached by two players shouting, "get on the floor" and aiming weapons. I ran around between them so if they shot, they might hit each other but they didn't so we assumed they didn't have ammo. We decided to aim our empty weapons at them and say the same. They did have ammo and shot but then ran away. We did too and everyone lived. 

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