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Blinger (DayZ)

DayZ .59 Apllication Error 0x00c8f718 referenced memory at 0x0000000

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the instruction at 0x00c8f718 referenced memory at 0x0000000. the memory cannot be read. click okay to terminate the program. Everytime i go into a server it crashes and i dont know what to do..... i have tried a lot of things with no luck at allpost-235491-0-53775000-1450036237_thumb.

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I experience the same thing on occasion, prior to crashing my game will just freeze temporarily and then i get this error. The same thing also happens when closing my game, which is strange.

Edited by EnergeticSheep
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I use msi afterburner to keep an eye on usage. As soon as it gets to about 1700mb I flush my game and this stops me from getting that msg.

-Hold left shift and tap the minus key then release and type flush. It should pop up with a black screen saying activated flush. Good luck

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