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Dallas 11/12/14/15/16/17/18 Info And Donations

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I figured i would post up a thread about the servers and provide a means of donating to help keep it going.

The server is being hosted by www.savagerealms.net which is one of the biggest minecraft servers in the world.

The servers are currently caped at 65 and 50 but i may increase it to see what the server can really do. We have 2 E3-1290 machines. So they should be able to keep up with the load

We will try to keep the server at its best and keep it as lag free as possible and of course up to date :)

3rd person: enabled

Death msg's: enabled

Cross hairs: disabled

Enemy tag: disabled

Auto Aim: disabled

If you would like to donate you can do so by going to the following http://tinyurl.com/dallasdayz

TeamSpeak: savagedayz.ts.nfoservers.com

Any amount is good guys so if you like the server donate and we may just be able to get a couple more servers up :)



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Just wanted to drop in and say thanks for changing the server time last night. Was playing around 12am central when the server went down, came back up pitch black then went down again, came back up with an in-game time of 7:30am.. Plenty daytime hours of gameplay I got in with great ping and found some phat lewt.

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Just wanted to drop in and say thanks for changing the server time last night. Was playing around 12am central when the server went down' date=' came back up pitch black then went down again, came back up with an in-game time of 7:30am.. Plenty daytime hours of gameplay I got in with great ping and found some phat lewt.


i actually rebooted the machine and it reset the clock lol. But thanks for playing :)

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Dallas 12 is quite fun for me and my friends' date=' only complaint here is that it goes down too much 3-4 times in a 6 hour period.


That is actually an issue with the arma server engine that causes it to crash. I do however have a system in place that should reboot the server in a crash. Downtime should be around 60sec with this new system :)

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Hey hung, are you actually running 1 50-slot per core? Going by the assumption here that it's all running on the 2 E3-1290s.

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Hey hung' date=' are you actually running 1 50-slot per core? Going by the assumption here that it's all running on the 2 E3-1290s.


yep :)

And there all running great :)

actually have the 65 man on the same machine with 3 other 50 mans

I also managed to run dallas 11 as a 90 man for about an hour. Stopped doing that only because joining the server when it was almost full took ages. But once in-game it ran just about perfect. This was back on 1.5.7 though. Cpu usage seems to have skyrocketed on

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