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Rare Problem - Cant sort it :)

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Can somone please help me figure out why i can only play DayZ, Arma 2 , Arma 2 CA in wondowed mode ? Its annoying becuase if affects resolution?

When i click it to go fulll screen its flashes up black and keeps pushing me back to desktop. My computer specs are intrel i7, 8 gig ram, n vidia geforce gtx 555, i also dont have the file launch settings windowed , and have reinstalled it twice but problem still persists ?

please help , thankyou

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Can somone please help me figure out why i can only play DayZ' date=' Arma 2 , Arma 2 CA in wondowed mode ? Its annoying becuase if affects resolution?

When i click it to go fulll screen its flashes up black and keeps pushing me back to desktop. My computer specs are intrel i7, 8 gig ram, n vidia geforce gtx 555, i also dont have the file launch settings windowed , and have reinstalled it twice but problem still persists ?

please help , thankyou


Is there a setting in steam to launch in window mode under the games? or try right mousing them or something. Haven't checked myself but it doesn't take a genius to look.

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Yes thiers a setting to launch in windowed mode which works fine, but i dont like playing DayZ like this becuase it greatly affects resolution, not to mention i shouldnt really have to cause i bought the game :)

However , when i mess around with HERTZ to 75hz, It opens and stays black, i cannot understand this pleas help, being trying to sort this out for 3 days now and no one knows

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Right click on the beta patch .exe, go to properties, and under the "shortcut" tab, go to the end of the command line and make sure theres nothing there called -windowmode or something like that.

Removing that worked for me.

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cheers man , were can i find this beta patch .exe? in arma 2, program files , steam files?

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sorry man please bear with me, i cant find it, is it in Operation arrow head , one of the folders in thier ? or is this something in just a steam folder? thiers so many

cant even fins the Operation arrow head .exe.

oh my god how can somthing stupid be a problem, its just full screen wtf is wrong with it? how can none of you know ?? every other problem gets solved straight away, why not this ???

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sorry man it isnt thier ...... alll i have is arma 2 OA application, nothing saying beta anywere

also tryed running it on integrated grapghics and it still pushes me back to desktop :(

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Download and install Six Updater


Once it's installed and updated, press the icon on your desktop called six launcher it will open a dayz server browser.

Press ONCE on any of the servers running version (you can see this in the server name) then press the verify/update button on the left. Let it download and finish, then press join.

The masterservers are down at the moment though, so dont expect to get any further than the lobby.

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Thats what iv been doing to play days, but it still trys to open it in fullscreen, which for som reason my apparently good computer is not compatable with, when i did this it just opened up and i see a black screen for a split second and bang, back to desktop with Arma icon still on taskbar, so naturally i click to icon of Arma 2 OA on the taskbar to get backinto the game, Black screen flashes up as if its about to start and before i know it im back at the desktop again ?

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doesnt work man , it just pushes me straight back to desktop :( very close to giving up , might have to contact steam for my money on games back, my computers plenty good enuff to run them, im just unlucky to have come across this

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