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Some questions

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Whatsup. it's been a while since i played the mod. Last time i played you still used DayzCommander.

I'm intrested in playing the mod again, i got some questions:


1) Is the mod still alive? ( how many players..)

2) What do i need again to play again? Arma 2 combined operations right?

3) What launcher do i need now to find servers?

4) Are there still dayz vanilla servers, or only Epoch, overpoch etc?



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Since my question have not been answered in the DayzMod section for over 3 days, im going to ask it here.


Is it worth coming back to? Is the community still alive ( seems not..) Are there still any vanilla, or close to vanilla servers, without spawning with DMR's and 10000x helicopters infront of your face? I need to re-buy Combined operations again, for reasons.



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I have no problem finding various servers.

I'm a fairly new player and from what I've been told, the game is in a much better state now than it has been for a long time. Much less hacking for example and I haven't seen any myself in a month of playing.

My only issue has been that it can be difficult to find servers that run night time and weather. Most seem to have day only and no weather\temperature which is a genuine shame, all that wasted loot.

Anyways, depending on the server\region and time of day it can be dead quiet or 35+ people. YMMV.

Been an enjoyable experience for me so far.

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Anyone telling you they are using DayZ Commander, is lying.  It's gone.  You should use DayZ Launcher, I find that still works, and finds servers.


These fora support the standalone and the mod (but it gets confusing here, as "the mod" means the vanilla mod.  But Overpoch and Epoch are not supported. Overwatch is almost dead. There might be one server left but again, these fora do not provide support).


Good luck. Ask if you've any other questions.  Oh and on Launcher I see some servers that 60 and 70 players every day. So people are still playing  :thumbsup:

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US434 has nighttime and weather.  There were 40+ people on last night.

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hey im new to dayz and me and my friends are starting a new Yt about dayz (I know im still new but thats when games are funny when you cant figure out how to do stuff OG gamers find simple) we are looking for a factions server that doesnt use discord thx 


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