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Atlanta 57 Shenanigans

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So my whole squad was just banned off Atlanta 57 after raiding the admins camp. We stole the vehicles, looted, an destroyed that camp fair and square, and we're all banned. None of us have fraps, but it wasn't a server lock for maintenance or anything. None of us can get back on.

We'd all like to know the official reason we've been banned from Atlanta 57. So that we can contest the reasoning.

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Hopefully the admin uses the forums. If so, he can provide the details of the ban and logs if needed. If not, move on to a different server.

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Sounds like he be butt hurt

I've also sent him an e-mail and he hasn't responded.

The part that is irritating is that we had the drop on his buddy who was in their camp, then he spawns in right in front of one of our dudes that was flanking. I can understand being mad that you got iced right as you spawn in, but like what the fuck is he not supposed to shoot you?

It seems like he just booted everyone but that wasn't his friend (very low pop at the time) so that his friend could grab his gear for him or some shit.

Its whatever, if he doesn't respond here or in the e-mail then its not really skin off my nose.

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