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Option to Respawn at owned Tent

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My idea is to give an option to respawn at owned Tent.

With this option no longer we will have to start the game at south coast every time after death.

It will encourage people to build bases and friends to build tents close to each other so when they die, they could respawn at the same place. No longer looking for each other and running from the other end of map.

To not have permanent tents, tents could be removed and stolen by someone else when using toolbox.

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What should I say? Everytime you die in this game you play a different character, which means that it won't be the same guy which has placed the tent. The game is following this little RL rule : If you die you die and cannot respawn.

I also think of possible abuse : Campers! Just think about a location you would like to defend (like the NW airfield) and place a tent near it. Someone else kills you with efforts, and then suddendly he sees you again and has to shoot you again at the same spot (and repeats).

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I see.

This could be a problem, everyone placing a tent close to the airfield or other important location.

Hmm, but anyway i wish to have spawn points in different regions of the map, not only south coast.

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Spawn points are good as they are. Perhaps a few more spawns on the east-coast, but it's all gravy.

Absolute no to the respawn at tent suggestion. Pick out a nice location, place tent, camp, die, get resurrected at camp, shoot down whoever killed you, repeat and cleanse, forever immortal.

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Horrible idea, so you can spawn at you and your buddies tents where you already have 500 horded assault rifles and all the ammo and supplies you can think of. This is never going to be implemented. -1

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Don't tents despawn when the player who owns them dies? I think this HEAVILY grinds against the idea of permadeath in the game, although I suppose I understand that some would prefer to be playing in a more forgiving environment.

If this or something like this is ever done, it MUST MUST MUST be kept optional to the discretion of server owners. Permadeath players should NOT have to deal with playing with players who aren't following the same conditions.

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Respawning at a tent would discourage playing as a new person each time. Think about it.

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Not a good idea. The point is not to keep returning to your tent to resupply.

You die. You start again. You try and survive.

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Spawn points are good as they are. Perhaps a few more spawns on the east-coast' date=' but it's all gravy.

Absolute no to the respawn at tent suggestion. Pick out a nice location, place tent, camp, die, get resurrected at camp, shoot down whoever killed you, repeat and cleanse, forever immortal.


I agree, overall we should always spawn on the coast, however I think that spawning near Berenzino would be good as well. I see no reason that city should get the free pass on new spawns.

The only problem with expanding the spawn range is that people trying to play with each other will have it very hard once they fix the 'respawn until I land where I want' issue. This could be fixed by putting in more bicycles and respawning them after 6 hours of inactivity.

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I vote no.

1) As already mentioned, people would just place their tents at key locations.

2) Once you die, the tent is no longer "owned" by your next character. So you'd still spawn at the beach. ;P

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