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When are you fully disconnected from the game?

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I'm curious as to when you are disconnected from the game completely. I was playing with my bro he he got killed above Stary i went back there with a 1911 to avenge him and get his m249 saw back. I walked from the coast there and found the two men who killed him, lucky for me it was night and they didn't see me. I ducked into a bush and went prone, they were crouched in an open field. i crawled over to them to get closer for a clearer shot when i was a decent distance from them i shot the first 4 times and the 2nd 3 then reloaded and shot him once more just to be safe. i looted both and found my brother's gear and his gun + a bunch more loot but i was feeling a huge rush and i needed to calm down before i started playing again so i pressed abort then pressed disconnect after that i alt tab'ed out of the game and watched a movie with my friend. When i came back to play i got a screen that said YOU ARE DEAD...... whats with that?

Can somebody please explain to me what happened? :dodgy:

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you probably disconnected in a very bad spot so that when you got inside the game again, someone saw you while spawning and killed you.

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