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Add a player/prey tracking system

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It would be excellent if there was a form of tracking so players could hunt prey or other players. I seen a video on YouTube where Brian Hicks discussed a skill based system and I am not exactly sure whether tracking would fall into the same category or if it could simply be done with something as simple as footprints with a duration until they vanish. But either way players can generally tell if a building is looted because of doors being left open and this would add to the ways of being able to locate players. Stalking players is truly one of the best experiences in Dayz and I believe a tracking system would add depth to one of the most appealing DayZ experiences. It would allow heroes to hunt down bandits and it would allow bandits to hunt their prey.

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Tracking is discovering what's left behind. I remember Hall said once that he wanted players to be able to track or hunt other players by what they leave behind them on their journey. A few things he discussed, if I remember correctly was cans from food and drink, bullet casings and fire pits.


What I'd love to see in the game is junk loot like the things mentioned above. Things that are automatically dropped without the players' consent.


For example:

You eat a can of beans while in a forest as you're on your way to Stary Sobor. After you're done eating, the empty tin can is left on the ground automatically and will remain there unless the player who ate the beans or another player picks it up. This way, if you're careless, you will be easy to track. And if you're careful and pick up your garbage afterwards, you won't be followed as easily.


This could also completely tie in with soft skills. Like say you never pick up cans after you're done eating. What if the game could track that and actually give you a negative skill for it, such as your footprints will last longer in the dirt or the garbage you left behind will be more noticeable. The game will assume that since you never pick up those cans/bullet casings/etc, that you're somewhat careless, and will reflect on you and your character's abilities to avoid pursuers. This can also work both ways to give you some positive skills such as your footprints will fade faster.


On the tracker's side, let's say that you find a can in the woods that was recently dropped by a player, or some shells that are still warm to the touch. What if the game could sense your proximity to these items and assume you've seen them, or maybe you have to inspect them up or whatever. How about, as a result of finding and spotting more and more garbage left behind by somebody you're hunting, the items will become more visible to you. For example, cans and casings will be more shiny and maybe have a glint as you scan the ground for them. Or fireplaces will have more singed or yellowy-dead grass around them, making them easier to spot at a distance.


These 'skills' don't have any effect on  you or your character's actual abilities. You could still completely miss seeing shinier objects, or not see a leftover fire pit in the distance. You can still pick up your cans or move slower to reverse the negative effects of being careless. They simply aid the player in being able to discover clues, or avoid being tracked respectively.

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