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Edwin Macgruber

Getting Combined Operations working properly.

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Right now, combined operations isn't working properly, and as far as I can tell, that's my only problem.

You see, I got ArmA 2 for free during a giveaway promotion bonanza (lucky me right?), and I eventually decide to get OA on steam, and this is where it starts to go South.

I can never actually get the copy of OA on steam to interface properly with retail ArmA 2, but in the process, locked it in as one of OAs expansions. So I decide to grab a copy of ArmA 2 off of Steam, figuring this would fix the problem right? Wrong.

As you can see here, http://i.imgur.com/EMKgC.png OA isn't detecting the Steam copy of ArmA 2, only where the old copy used to be, and I can't change what expansions are on that list for some reason.

So in effect, OA thinks that ArmA 2 is someplace it isn't, and the menu won't let me change the settings.

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I actually looked into that, as prior to a certain update, you had to manually connect ArmA II and OA to enable Combined Ops.

However, after taking the advice of this guide here http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?101214-ARMA-2-CO-(how-to-combine-ARMA-2-into-ARMA-2-OA-and-use-together) , I ran into a significant wall, the registry entries didn't exist, or at least not where I was told to look.

Other than that, that was my best bet.

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Yep, it was one of the first things I suspected, until I took a closer look at that expansions menu.

Right now, I suspect my best bet would be in finding a way to edit that damn menu.

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