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When freshies attack

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Disclaimer: Ok haters gonna hate so before you watch this, some of you won't like it.


Fresh spawns were harmed in the making of this film!


This is a film about freshies. Although we are shot at by several armed players (sometimes successfully), most of this action is when freshies attack us. We defend ourselves but other freshies see us attacking freshies, believe we are KoSing freshies (and we are not) and attack us too. I'm sure we've all been there on the freshie side desperately trying to get stuff and fighting against the odds but also attacked by freshies just because you have and they have not. Whichever side I am on, I enjoy the experience. We hope these guys did too. 


If the German woman is watching, you got lucky! I didn't realise it was you who attacked Geordie until watching the footage back to make this film. If I had, you wouldn't have still been there with us at the end  :D


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