WaldotheVisible 0 Posted July 3, 2012 screwing around on a private server to get the hang of how the game works as far as item usage and the zombie AI is concerned, and was wondering, I see many guides talking about vehicles, but my friend and I must have hit at least 10 vehicle spawn locations only to have no luck. Is there a trick to it or something? or just pure bad luck? Its honestly getting a bit frustrating to travel across the map to where a vehicle is supposed to be only to find nothing but zombies along the path.Any help/knowledge would be greatly appreciated Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JungleOfficer 0 Posted July 3, 2012 Look, all the vehicles that i found in dayz, totalizing 3 and 1 bike, i founded hide in the forests , its harder to see a vehicles in their spawn so if you are going to search for vehicles try in forests in the way Cherno or Eletro > Airfield, thats the location that i founded that vehicles in DayZ. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 6 Posted July 3, 2012 1715 patch introduced random spawning and random location spawning of vehicles but with a few twists.1) the number of vehicles spawning is random and there is a cap a server will spawn, so if you see 3 boats in the ocean, feel free to destroy them this will free up slots for land vehicles (hopefully) to spawn.2) the spawn of vehicles isn't completely 'random'. Trucks and offroad vehicles do not spawn randomly in a forest, but more likely you will find an ATV or a bike at the end of an obscure road. Use this map as a rough reference www.dayzdb.com/map3) Best bets are to search the entire corners of the map meaning from Coords(XXX:YYY) would be: 000:130 and 000:153 meaning the entirety of the top left corner of the map to the bottom left corner and the top left corner to the top right corner in a 1 km distance from 000X.If you still can't find any vehicles or camps that hoarders vehicles then most likely they are stashed outside the map. Good luck searching for them there without at least a bike and a compass/gps to traverse the great unknown Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WaldotheVisible 0 Posted July 3, 2012 Thanks for the info blackgoofguy, although the part about vehicle hoarding is a non issue on this map, its a private server not connected to the main database that we are just using to get a hang of the game. There are only 2 people on this server, and we travel together still have yet to find a vehicle anywhere, not even a boat. Will try looking through where you said, but of course, more info would be useful and appreciated, like how much deviation from the points on that map is generally noticed (ie: if it spawns just a street over, or on the other side of town.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
S1ippery Jim 139 Posted July 4, 2012 Thanks for the info blackgoofguy' date=' although the part about vehicle hoarding is a non issue on this map, its a private server not connected to the main database that we are just using to get a hang of the game. There are only 2 people on this server, and we travel together still have yet to find a vehicle anywhere, not even a boat. Will try looking through where you said, but of course, more info would be useful and appreciated, like how much deviation from the points on that map is generally noticed (ie: if it spawns just a street over, or on the other side of town.)[/quote']WTF a private server not connected to the Hive? I didn't think this was allowed, its certainly not in the spirit of the game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WaldotheVisible 0 Posted July 4, 2012 Thanks for the info blackgoofguy' date=' although the part about vehicle hoarding is a non issue on this map, its a private server not connected to the main database that we are just using to get a hang of the game. There are only 2 people on this server, and we travel together still have yet to find a vehicle anywhere, not even a boat. Will try looking through where you said, but of course, more info would be useful and appreciated, like how much deviation from the points on that map is generally noticed (ie: if it spawns just a street over, or on the other side of town.)[/quote']WTF a private server not connected to the Hive? I didn't think this was allowed, its certainly not in the spirit of the game.It doesnt use the characters that we have on other servers, thus it doesnt affect them or give them anything either, its more for screwing around than anything else, but trying to find a vehicle is getting extremely frustrating right now... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Surael (DayZ) 0 Posted July 4, 2012 It doesnt use the characters that we have on other servers' date=' thus it doesnt affect them or give them anything either, its more for screwing around than anything else, but trying to find a vehicle is getting extremely frustrating right now...[/quote']Private servers are VERY against the spirit of Day Z because unknown players are a key component of the atmosphere. The zed are just background noise. Additionally, it's pretty taboo to be talking about here. You should try other, less official forums.That said, not all private servers CAN spawn vehicles. Check to see that you aren't searching in vain. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WaldotheVisible 0 Posted July 4, 2012 Not sure what you mean by not all servers can spawn vehicles? is there a server side setting for it? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
S1ippery Jim 139 Posted July 4, 2012 I suggest you refer to this thread:http://www.dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=9427"Can I host a server for my clan?Yes, you can. We encourage clans to set up a server to act as their home.What you cannot do, however, is to restrict the server to your clan only. The gameplay of DayZ involves conflict between survivors as well as zombies, and restricting a server to a single clan would take away this aspect of the gameplay. It would also allow the clan to farm gear without risking interference from other players, which would give them an unfair advantage."- Pallidum DayZ staffIf you need help finding vehicles on a private server where you don't have to worry about other survivors taking them then I truly feel sorry for you. Go play on a legit server like everyone else, its a better way to learn the game and will give you a truer experience - DayZ without bandits is not DayZ. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites