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DayZ - looking forward to another update.

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Some random thoughts after playing tonight...

I started about a week ago. Right around the update that allowed you to lose Zombies by out running them.

After playing for a while, I've found I don't really fear zombies that much.

I can move into most towns crouched/running and avoid attracting zombies.

If I do attract some, I always have an exit route to leave into the hills or forest. You can lose zombies pretty quickly that way.

You can also run into an area with zombies around the building you are targeting and lure them out into the woods... lose them and then circle back around and go into the building you were targeting.

It feels like more of a grind to gear up a bit when you start out. Like improving my fishing skill in WoW. Same shit, different town...

I find playing DayZ very isolating. I don't have a group that plays and I have now learned not to trust anyone you come across. So I spend most of my time by myself running around.

I have previously chosen not to kill other players... because well... I just thought it's kinda pointless and too easy... but now after not having a point to killing zombies, I can see the appeal of killing other players, it's probably harder than zombies and people know it pisses other players off... so I'm sure they are just giggling away behind their keyboards each time they shoot another player...

This is why I think DayZ as a Social Experiment is not as realistic as it could be. In a true outbreak, i think the goal would be to survive, but also rid the world of those zombies...

In the mean time, I've started trying to just give myself objectives for each life now...

Find out where I spawn and then set a list of waypoints up to achieve.... This makes it more interesting...

I find a hatchet is a great weapon against zombies... guns... just noise makers...

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You say you dont fear zombies, and yet all you do is sneak past them or hatchet them for fear of alerting zombies...

Sounds like an oxymoron at best to me.

You DO fear the zombies, you just avoid them. And in its current state, changing that would be ridiculous. Imagine the current endlessly spawning zombies that can glitch through walls etc that aggro as if you were always running. It wouldnt even be worth playing.

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Don't give up on your "no shooting players" choice. There are way to many trigger happy bandits out there.

I agree that after you get any weapon zombies become less of a problem. Outrunning zombies is not a trivial matter in some situations When you have a choice of running or just fighting you stop having most of the problems you had when just spawned.

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Nah you dont fear zombies. Whenever I go anywhere I just sprint through towns and into buildings and out a back door into the next one until i find the loot I need and most of the zombies will have fucked off. I really feel like there needs to be an increase in the zombie population in towns by a huge margin.

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You say you dont fear zombies' date=' and yet all you do is sneak past them or hatchet them for fear of alerting zombies...

Sounds like an oxymoron at best to me.

You DO fear the zombies, you just avoid them. And in its current state, changing that would be ridiculous. Imagine the current endlessly spawning zombies that can glitch through walls etc that aggro as if you were always running. It wouldnt even be worth playing.


Stop trolling and trying to start arguments.

You jump on the first thing you can think of trying to act like you are smart and someone else is stupid.

All you really illustrated is you don't read and comprehend.

My post stated

After playing for a while, I've found I don't really fear zombies that much.

appending "that much" implies I do fear them, but very little.

Sentences end with a period. Read them all the way to the end.

Now go back under your bridge.

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