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Cant go fullscreen ?

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Can somone please help me figure out why i can only play DayZ, Arma 2 , Arma 2 CA in wondowed mode ? Its annoying becuase if affects resolution?

When i click it to go fulll screen its flashes up black and keeps pushing me back to desktop. My computer specs are intrel i7, 8 gig ram, n vidia geforce gtx 555

please help , thankyou

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is there and -w or -windowed on your shortcuts? only thing i can think of, probably many more things it could be, u might have to await a true cyber geek =)

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No thiers no window in launch options or anything man, even when i try to change it in the game, its just pushes me back to desktop and i cant get in again lol

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only 1 more thing i know about window mode and thats to hit alt+enter keys ;p

can you give any more info on your system, wont help me but might help others to assist you... like operating system, video drivers, if your running dual screens or anything, as for me im stumped sorry :(

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my system is alienware x51 top specs, single moniter im running with , pretty standard setup, also iv tried reinstalling the games and nothing, not sure what to do really , tryed so many places and no one knows lol

This seems to be such a rare problem , cant get help anywere .

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