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Umbrella Corp Private Server needs players.

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Umbrella Corp DayZ Private Server is looking for players. No whitelists, open to all. 4-hour restarts.


I setup this private server in the hopes to have a unique experience with like-minded individuals who are more interested in interaction rather than KOS. I am currently setup for 30 players. If the server gets popular will really consider increasing limits. I play almost everyday and will be looking for candidates to help manage the server. If you are interested please send me a pm or contact me at ucorp@umbrellacorpdayz.com.


I am working on a website at http://www.umbrellacorpdayz.com which includes more information.


The server is located at


Hope you consider taking a look and let's see if we can make a go of things.


Any questions, comments, and/or ideas, please let me know.





Edited by skorpion01

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Hey man, I have recently set up a server too so if you need help with anything feel free to PM me. Getting players in can be difficult but checking out the Steam DayZ hub could help quite a bit too, I also recommend starting a Steam group for players of the server, helps people communicate and team up and I got 50 players join in a couple of days. It can be a struggle to get people to stick to a private server but I wish you all the best with it!


Oh and might help to put some more info in the title, was some sound advice I was given :)





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Thanks for the advice! Nice to see we as server admins can work together. Setup a Steam Group now just hoping things come together!

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Man we both only have 30 slots right? Plenty of players to go around huh? Lol

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